Just added photos and videos from my track day at Road Atlanta on June 18th. It was an absolute blast this year despite how hot it was. Check it out by clicking the image below. If you are at all interested in giving a track day a shot, check out Jzilla! You will get started with seat time with an instructor and it’s an excellent way to learn and get comfortable with your car and your abilities.
Building the Miata Playseat
Check out the latest page I added in the gaming section – Modifying Playseat Evolution to fit a Miata seat.
In this page, I go into detail about how I built up my sig rig complete with photos of each step. It was a fun project that I worked on a few years ago, and totally forgot I took photos along the way.
Hobbies Updated
I’ve started uploading some photos to the Hobbies section. So far just the Game of Throne set I shot from my drone in Belfast. Also changed to a more simple theme for the page, but not sure how I like it. The layout is fine, but I’m struggling to get the menus at the top to cooperate how I’d prefer.
Screenshots Updated
Gaming – Added screenshots of my Mass Effect Legendary Edition playthrough. All 3 games are included, and the images are available for download in ultrawide resolution.
Screenshots/Wallpapers didn’t quite fit the menu, so I changed it to just say ‘Wallpapers’.
I’m trying to figure out how to edit the code for the menu so it’s static. Meaning you don’t have to click on an section to expand it.
Added Content!
Finally got some content added to the page.
Automotive, I added a Track Days section. So far the only one I have added is the most recent, which was Barber on 8-1-2021.
Under Projects, I have added two of our big ones. The kitchen remodel, and the downstairs bathroom remodel.
I’ll continue updating as I have more time.
Getting there
I’m working on getting content added. It’s a slow going process as I’ve not been very good at keeping all my stuff organized over the years. Locating stuff that I want to get added to the site is a combination of digging through old phone photos, Facebook posts, and around my computer. It’ll take some time, but I’ll eventually get this page to where I want it. In the meantime, sit back and relax.
This is yet another dang test
Continuing with the testing thing cause I just don’t remember anything about WordPress. It’s supposed to be easier now, yet somehow it is complicated.